viernes, 8 de mayo de 2009

Practise 2-Determinate glucose reductors

Glucides are the most important substances that the plants obtain the energy that they need to do their vital functions. Between glucides there are sugars and polisacarids (like starch, reserve substances of energy of plants).
In this exercise we are going to find out with chemical methods the sugars of the pulp in an olive.
1- We get an olive, we take off the pulp and we live the stone apart.
2- We cut the pulp in piezes and we put them into a container.
3- We grind it with a morter.
4- We add a bit of water to make the pasta a bit mor fluid.
5- We put the olive pasta in a test tube.
6- With a pipette we put 2 cm3 of Fehling A ina test tube.
7- In that test tube we add other 2 cm3 of Fehling B, we obtain a dark-blue colour.
8- Then, we put this disolution in a test tube where there is the pulp of the grind olive and we mix it.
9- Finally, we warm the mixture with a gas burner.
10- If the mixtur turns to a red colour, it could be because of the glucides reductors, that in this case is the glucose.

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